When we are facing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), our usual methods of coping are no longer working. It can be incredibly frustrating to feel like absolutely nothing you do helps. One of the most frightening aspects of PTSD is that you feel emotionally out of control. Not necessarily violent, but all emotions seem to assault you. It's like being in a moving car without a driver.
There are things that help to regain emotional equilibrium. First, you must be willing to try some things that you usually don't do. It takes great patience with oneself. It also requires slowing down to process and accept what is happening rather than trying to get away from it.
Avoidance tactics are absolutely futile.
As a therapist, I can assure you that PTSD can be treated, and you can expect to relief and insight into what will help you. However, at times when you are vulnerable, symptoms can return, symptoms can be "triggered". Extreme self-care strategies will help you regain your balance. Sometimes people get very angry at the symptoms, and this becomes an anger towards themselves. This anger needs to be addressed, because it won't help in the recovery.